Saturday, December 08, 2007

Now its like 11.45am, i just woke up. OMG. itu pn kene kejut. Luckly my mum havent come back from raden's place if not CONFIRM get scolded. hahaha. Well, i'm tiredd. Yeahhh. i'm bored at home. Gahhhhh. Bloody hell =.= Seriously NOTHING to do. Haishhhhh. i wanna go out can ? but go where ? cwp ? Boringggg ! Wanna meet my dear but he's workingg. Wanna meet my friends but i dont know where the hell are they. Some working, some doing their own business, some still sleeping at this time. hahaha. howw ? *scratch head*

Ohhhh yesss. At last my friend hisyam got a girlfriend. hahhaa. Okayyy. he asked for my help. so yeahh. i help him. jadi orang tengah. =.= sooo difficult task. LOL. ehkk btl lah seyy. THANKS to me. Wanna say something to that girl also very shy. hahhaa. aper lah you. Next time, go asked for yourself. CANNN ? hahaha. gendeng lah kamuu =D Ohhh yess, hope you last forever and any problems, do share with me okayy ? bukan nk kepo ehkk JUST to help. & dont forget to treat me. hahahhaha !

Okayy lahh. till here. i wanna bath. i wannna eat. i wanna do my laundry. & all done. Continue playing my laptop. hohohoho :D chows people chows. :D

My sister Took this pic. Bloody Hell. This is when i was at RADEN's place cleaning the toilet. i know its funny. Dont say&see. Sexy mahhh. LOL :D