Tuesday, May 01, 2007

hello,mello,chello. I believe in sleeping in. I believe in giving 100% when you only have 80. I believe in love, arguing, & jamming out by yourself in the car. I believe in kisses on the forehead. I believe in long kisses, smiling til your cheeks hurt, & laughing until you cry. I believe in having someone tell you that you're beautiful. I believe in having someone play with your hair. I believe in swinging on swings & running in the rain. I believe in miracles & random acts of kindness. I believe in saying hello to anyone & EVERYONE. I believe in second chances. And I believe in passion.

true ?..lol..every1 shld believe in those things..per jer warda eh(: ahh. i'm bored lah seyy.. nothing to do.. oh STUDY ? maybe later.. teehee(: RINA ! "Look! her nose effing goes farther than her feet!" lols ! & i think sunflower seeds and movie theaters go well together. haha. crazy lah you. make me laugh. btw when are you going to have a blog ? lazy per ? cehhh.. lazy BUMP(: ok well now i'm helping my mom around the house! HOLLER !

and YES for those of you who have asked how i've been doing and i replied...'good !' i'm sry those words just slipped out and i didn't mean to say it. the truth is...i can't remember a time where i have been more...amazed. starting this new year (seriously it was like the first or second of april) he filled me with the most incredible unexplainable contentment. He set me free from a lie i had told myself for over nine years, a lie i didn't even know existed. i'd always hear ppl say they loved giving and receiving hugs. well i didn't. so i told everyone that i wasn't the huggy/touchy/feely type. but that was just an excuse to keep everyone at arm's length. and now i know...i loooove hugs! i'm convinced thats the way God designed all of us. and if you are like i was and you disagree, well i hope you'll come around eventually like i did. its like i was binding myself down with this lie and now that those chains are gone i feel like i could fly, literally. And as if that wasn't enough, one of the words He gave me at youth camp last year is taking off in me (more like speeding off really) there's not a smiley face big enough to do it justice..hmmm.. ok guess till here ! LOVESSSS(:

bottomline : ohh gosh you give me BUTTERFILES(: