Monday, March 23, 2009

Favourite Song Today: Irwansyah- Camelia

Heeyyos. :DD Today morning, follow mum to Marsiling since she wanna buy something. & i'm soo happy that i get $200 from her ! I was jumping ard when she actually give me the money. I dont know why she gave me. But nahhh, i dont care. She knows that i'm broke and need money. So yeaaaa. Love you mother(: and so, i can buy what i wanttt ! But well, i need to save up $100 to my POSB Bank. Thats thats.

I'm planning to have an outing with my secondary sch mates. Yupss, its on 1 April. We are having a bbq pit & of coz renuion. I'm so amped to meet my old friends ! Yeahhyeahh. But at the same time, i'm confused abt those bbq stuffs and so on. You know, its difficult to plan an outing. I mean REALLY difficult. So hopefully, it went smoothly. Its the third time i'm planning. & you know, its a last minutes plan. I just booked the pit JUST NOW. So yeaaa. I need to plan this outing properly. :D

Basically that's all. You know, if i dont feel like blogging, i've got alot to say. But when i blog, my mind is blank ? So yeaaa, weird you know. Its okayy. Alright. Till here readers :D